Kara is an ABA tutor with the TLC. She first discovered her love of teaching when she worked as an English teaching assistant in a Secondary school in Brighton, pursuing this further by pioneering her Universities creative writing outreach programme, ‘Sussex Writes.’ However, it wasn’t until she volunteered at the TLC’s summer school, ‘Social Detectives’, in 2017 that she discovered Behaviour Analysis. She loved her experience there and was incredibly excited by the TLC’s aims to teach children with ASD invaluable life skills. Kara began training with the TLC and worked part time whilst completing her degree in ‘Drama studies and English’ at ‘The University of Sussex’, where she recently graduated in 2018. Kara draws on her degree in her sessions, where she harnesses an individual's creativity to help them process and understand their emotions.
Kara has always had a desire to help people with ASD ever since her brother was diagnosed. Her personal experiences of witnessing the benefits of working on an individual's strengths and talents and encouraging their independence has driven her to want to encourage and help others. She currently works in both school and home programmes. She is coordinator for the siblings support group we have established. She gained her RBT certification via coursework completed at FIT, supervision by Daniel Horan (BCBA) and examination through the BACB. She is studying to complete her masters in drama therapy at Roehampton University