Caroline Pearce
Caroline provides case supervision and consultation to home and school programmes in and around London and the South Coast. She guides and supervises the implementation of home and school based targets through direct sessions and weekly meetings with members of the team.
Following in family footsteps, Caroline started working in mainstream schools, supporting children with SEN and hasn’t looked back since. Seeing the positive impact that the right support can give to a child and their family drove the desire to study and learn more about effective and evidence-based practices.
Caroline worked for TreeHouse school until 2010 when she co-founded the TLC.
Since then, she has worked with a wide range of mainstream and special schools,providing support to children from pre-school upwards.
After studying for a degree in Psychology, Caroline became a board certified assistant behaviour analyst (BCaBA) in 2006. She completed a Masters Degree in ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) at Bangor University. She is a member of SEABA and UK-SBA.